Help us by supporting our causes for women empowermenrt, children and education

Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Protection

₵ 3,700 of ₵ 8,400 raised
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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00


Roberta Ippolito

We look for your needs and gladly satisfy them. We are trying to make your life better.

About Me

Roberta, an Italian professional in Ghana, works for a multinational company while also serving as a dedicated secretary for GIWA (NGO) focused on empowering women and supporting children. Her passion for making a positive impact and her ability to balance corporate responsibilities with humanitarian work showcase her exceptional skills and unwavering dedication. Roberta’s cultural fusion and belief in empowering others drive her efforts to create a brighter future for underprivileged individuals, leaving a lasting mark in both her professional and humanitarian endeavors.


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