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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

About Us

We are GIWA, Ghana Italian Women Association.
The non-profit association, GIWA, was founded in 1992 to support disadvantaged communities in Ghana, particularly in the areas of education and health with a focus on gender equality. The association collects and manages funds for projects in partnership with local entities and facilitates connections with the local business world.
About Us

What We Do

GIWA also supports charitable initiatives promoted by Italians residing in Ghana.

The association’s mission is to pursue the well-being of vulnerable populations through humanitarian aid works, supporting the most vulnerable categories, particularly children, women, and marginalized communities, in achieving their aspirations for future sustainability.

GIWA believes that the recognition of human rights contributes to the well-being of all.


Our Goals

Our vision is to empower women, empowering children for an empowered community.

Our primary focus lies in fostering empowerment for women and children, thereby providing them with the means to create a more promising future.

Our utmost dedication revolves around raising awareness within our communities regarding critical matters, including but not limited to domestic abuse, family planning, disease prevention, sanitation, and numerous other pertinent issues.

By cultivating a sense of love, we can effectively tackle the matter of sustainability as well. Demonstrating genuine affection towards our environment has the potential to mitigate pollution, emissions, and combat the challenges posed by climate change, thereby fostering a harmonious relationship with Mother Nature.

The process of change is not readily embraced, yet personal growth is impossible without it. By extending our support to the less privileged, orphanages, and various other causes, we instill hope in those who have lost it, offering them a chance for a brighter future.

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our mission

Will you give Hope?

  • Empowerment 
  •  Love and Kindness
  • Hope and Change
  • Sustainability  
  • Inclusion and  Connection
  • Vision and Change

Our Volunteers

Join our team of Italians working hand-in-hand behind the scenes to improve social conditions that nobody wants to talk about. 

support our work

Help us safeguard the future of kids living in harsh conditions one book and one meal at a time.

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Our doors are always open if you will like to join us for our events