Help us by supporting our causes for women empowermenrt, children and education

Mangrove Restoration for Coastal Protection

₵ 3,700 of ₵ 8,400 raised
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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00


Silvia Zanella

We provide humanitarian needs when emergencies and natural disasters occur.

About Me

Silvia Zanella, an esteemed Italian figure in Ghana, embodies resilience and remarkable entrepreneurial skills. As a flourishing businesswoman and interior designer, she oversees diverse ventures across Italy and Ghana. With unwavering dedication, Roberta has driven the association to attract a broader audience and secure invaluable sponsorships, ushering in an era of unparalleled growth and boundless opportunities. Her steadfast commitment and tireless endeavors form the very bedrock of the association’s extraordinary journey toward success.


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